Golf Cart Winter Storage
One of the saddest things about the coming of winter is that it brings the end of the golfing season. When that happens, you have to store your golf cart away until until spring brings better weather. If you take some care while putting the cart into storage, it can save you hassle and expense later on. Improper storage can cause damage to your vehicle so we at Revel 42 Golf Carts & Powersports have compiled this guide to help you do things the right way.
If you’d like additional information or if you’re still looking for the right golf cart for yourself, come on down to our locations in Raleigh and Wilmington, North Carolina. We’re proud to serve our friends from Clayton and Cary!
Pre-storage Maintenance
Before you put your golf cart away you have to take some proactive steps to prevent damage and ensure a smooth storage removal process when spring finally arrives. Putting your golf cart directly into storage after your last 18-round game may seem like the easier option now, but trust us, it’ll cost you in the long run.
Clean Properly
When debris gets caked onto a surface, it can damage the surface. Yes, your golf cart will gather dust when it sits in storage but that won’t damage it like debris and gunk can. Give your cart a good wash and ensure all debris is removed from it.
If you ignore your golf cart tires before storage, you’ll probably return to flat and possibly damaged tires come spring. Remember that the entire time it’s in storage, the weight of your golf cart will be pressing down on the tires, and that cold temperatures can lower the air pressure over time. Inflate the tires to the recommended levels (refer to your owner’s manual). Finally, check the wheels to make sure it stays in place.
Take the battery cables off before storing your golf cart. First, remove the negative cable, then the positive one. Then inspect your battery to ensure it is clean. Clean the tops and the terminals with an acid neutralizer. This mixture can be as simple as one cup baking soda per one gallon of water. After the battery is fully dry, you'll want to add a battery terminal protector spray to the terminal connections.
If possible, connect your battery to a battery tender. If you can’t, you'll have to recharge the battery every 60 to 90 days. Keeping your battery charged helps prevent damage and extend its lifespan, so it's something to take seriously.
Gas Golf Cart Storage
If you’re putting a gas golf cart away in storage, ensure that the fuel in the tank has been treated with fuel stabilizer. After that, turn the shutoff valve off. Then there are two annual maintenance tasks you might as well get done now. First, replace your engine air filter. Second, replace the spark plug.
Electric Golf Cart Storage
If you have an electric golf cart, turn the tow switch into the ‘tow’ position. This disables the regenerative braking system that in turn takes the pressure off the battery pack. The purpose of all this is to avoid a full battery discharge and prevent the freezing and cracking of your battery. Ensure the battery is fully charged before storing the golf cart.
A Storage Location
The best place to keep your golf cart is somewhere cool and dry. A warm location will cause the battery drain to happen faster. Try to find somewhere where it'll be protected from the elements, such as rain, sunlight, and heavy wind. The more protected your golf cart is, the less damage it'll face during storage.
We hope you found these tips helpful! If you have any questions, you can always chat with the expert staff at Revel 42 Golf Car & Powersports in Raleigh and Wilmington, North Carolina. We can provide more in-depth advice or help you find your next golf cart!