Some Fun Facts About Golf Carts
You probably know golf carts well—after all, what’s there to know? They’re convenient, comfortable, and useful compact machines. But we here at Revel 42 Golf Carts & Powersports have a surprise for you: there’s more to these machines than you might suspect. We’ve put together some interesting golf cart trivia for you, below, to highlight why that it. To learn more, or to see the golf carts we have for sale, contact our store in Garner, North Carolina, today!
Uniquely American
While golf is an internationally-loved sport, not all countries play it exactly the same. We’re not talking about unique rules, of course, but about how they use golf carts. The USA is one of the top nations in terms of golf cart usage.
Not Just For Golf
While most golf carts can be seen around the fairway, that’s not all they’re good for. Modern golf carts see a lot of use in residential, business, and educational campuses to get maintenance and security staff around the property quickly. Other golf carts are souped-up and designed for off-road adventures, complete with more rugged tires and 4WD.
Golf carts can even be used by newly-weds to sneak off after the reception!
You Can Get a DUI
It’s easy to think of golf carts and consumer vehicles as totally separate entities, and in most cases you’d be right. But there’s one set of laws in particular that doesn’t make that distinction—you still can’t drink and drive. Even though golf carts are smaller and slower than most consumer vehicles, they still pack more than enough punch to cause serious damage and injury, so you can and will get pulled over and either fined or sent to jail.
A Long and Storied History
It may or may not surprise you to learn that the history of golf carts extends as far back as 1932. The first attempt at a design was non-motorized and was actually meant to be pulled along by two caddies. However, caddies felt it was demeaning and difficult work, especially with the number of hills some golf courses had, so that design was retired.
A gasoline-powered cart was invented shortly after, but was far too loud. One that instead used electrical batteries followed, but didn’t have the power or stability it needed. All three of these designs were created by Lyman Beecher, who actually broke his arm using the battery-powered version. He lived to be 102!
Want to see what a golf cart can do for you? For more information, or to see the golf carts we have available, contact us at Revel 42 Golf Carts & Powersports. We proudly serve the people of Raleigh, Clayton, and Cary, North Carolina—let us serve you today!